Remember Whalom Park?
Here is your opportunity to relive those pleasant memories of the Flyer Comet, the carousel, the Whip and other amusement rides you so enjoyed for many years. Or, perhaps you might have enjoyed performances at the Whalom Playhouse, under the direction of Guy Palmerton, or dancing at the Ballroom to music by the big bands of the 1950s and 1960s.
Publishing on June 17 is a book entitled Whalom Park, by the Lunenburg Historical Society, published by Arcadia Publishing in their Images of America series.
In it, you will learn how the park received its name, who were the early developers of the English style of garden park and how trolley cars eventually brought throngs of people to what had developed into the popular amusement park we all remember.
The book will be available through the Lunenburg Historical Society, local book stores, pharmacies and superstores beginning June 17.
Stay tuned, further information is forthcoming as the publishing date gets closer.